• ADS1

    DrySyn Classic: From 50mL to 5 liter, Asynt's single position reaction blocks give you the flexibility to heat most single flasks you have quickly and efficiently without the use of oil baths or heating mantles. A safe alternative for any lab concerned about smokey, messy and potentialy dangerous oil baths. A lifetime product that will save your lab years of costly oil purchases.

  • ADS2

    DrySyn MAXI Complete Kit: Includes 3000 mL base and adapter insert for 2000 mL round bottom flasks.

  • ADS14

    DrySyn Scholar Kit: For those working only with smaller volumes.
    Base unit accomodates a 250mL round bottom flask and a 100mL standard insert.

    (The 25mL insert (ADS14-25) and 50mL (ADS14-50), available separately, and specifically designed to fit the Scholar Kit)

  • ADS4

    DrySyn SuperMAXI: For 5000 mL flasks, with heat resistant handles (standalone)

    Also available, ADS4-4000, 4L insert